Travels in France

Two exhibitions worth making the trip to see (I did and loved them both):

Retournac: An exhibition of work by Lost in Lace artist Annie Bascoul titled 'Vivre et Rêver… En Dentelle' at the Le Musée de Manufactures de Dentelles de Retournac. Her dresses and their shadows hold the form of the absent body. 

There is also another opportunity to see her work from Lost in Lace - 'Moucharabieh' and 'Jardin de lit, lit de jardin'. The exhibition continues to 15th December. 

Aigues Mortes: An artist I have wanted to work with for many years but he is always too busy. It is Motoi Yamamoto who creates large scale, site specific floor based installations from salt. This time he is working in the ramparts of a medieval town whose wealth was built on salt. The 2 Yamamoto's are spectacular - the first created by addition (the lace work) and the second by taking the salt away (the labyrinth).

Walking the ramparts to see the works in the towers, slipping on the stones worn away by the feet of those who have walked the ramparts for hundreds of years, and looking out to the salt mounds at the edges of the water beyond - I can't imagine a more perfect setting for his work. (Image)
